
You don’t know jack(ing off)

semi-smile.jpgOK, it’s been two weeks since my last post directly related to the carnal pleasures that help keep porn sites in businesstime to sex it up again. Otherwise that whole Deacon Blue thing is gonna become irrelevant. And I notice traffic picks up here when sex is involved. Yeah, big surprise there.

But this time, instead of exploring whether God cares what you do between the sheets, we’ll be taking a firm hold on the ever-pressing, explosive (OK, enough puns) issue of whether He cares what you do with your right hand. Or left hand. Or the little cordless hand-held vacuum. Or the wheel-and-pulley system you created so that you can keep your hands free to work the computer or turn the pages of your favorite centerfold pictorial.

Yes, folks, it’s time to talk about one of the old favorites: Masturbation. Choking the chicken. Slapping the salami. Jacking off. Need I say more? (OK, I do need to say more…ladies, why aren’t there any good slang terms for you? Frigging is just too British to have universal appeal, and I know y’all are helping yourselves out, with and without battery-operated aids. Must we be so formal? Come up with something. The best I can think of is exploring the deltaand that isn’t all that catchy.)

From parental threats that God will send you to hell for masturbating to saying this activity will cause hair to grow on your palms (again, there is a gender bias here; how come girls never got a similar threat? Honey, your finger will shrivel and fall off if you keep sticking it in there…), this has been one of the oddest areas for attack by ultra-right-wing God-fearing Christians and even some in the middle of the road. Somehow, self-pleasuring got labeled as self-abuse.

What am I…raping myself? Defiling the holy temple of my body? Fornicating with myself?


Some would argue that masturbation robs one’s spouse of “natural affection.” In other words, if you’re doing yourself, you ain’t doing your significant other enough. Again, nonsense. Yes, it is possible to rob your spouse of affection, but unless you’re hiding behind masturbation all the time to avoid sex with your spouse, that doesn’t apply here. Women can explode over and over (and it’s a good thing men can’t or you’d never get us out of our rooms) and men, well, let’s put it this way: Most couples don’t go at it every day, or even every other day or so. No matter what anyone says, most couples are lucky if they do the do once a week after they’ve been married more than a couple years. Frankly, I think it’s a service to one’s wife to keep the package in regular use. Otherwise, you go several days or a week or two (depending on what’s going on) between sex, and then we men are going to be blasting off into space before we’ve even gotten you women to the pre-launch procedures.

Religious obsessions with masturbation even gave us the term onanism as a synonym for masturbation, named after a guy named Onan whom God killed for jacking off. Well, sort of. See Genesis chapter 38 for the whole story, and there’s an interesting Wikipedia piece on Onan too.

Onan did something more to piss God off than just jack off (or perform a little coitus interruptus, depending on how you read the story). Much like Jonah got some wrath handed down on his ass when he refused to do something big for God, I imagine the problem with Onan was that God had made it pretty clear that he was supposed to get Tamar in a family way. Why? I don’t know. God works through people and circumstances and over the long run most of the time. Maybe through her some generations down the road someone critical to God’s plans was supposed to be bornand Onan’s disobedience set that back by centuries. Point is, apparently Onan knew what he was supposed to do and not only told God “no” but decided to metaphorically rub God’s face in it by essentially saying, “Oh, and by the way, I’m going to empty my ball sacks just to show you I’m the boss here.” Bad move to waggle your dick in the creator’s face, dude.

I mean, if God was so down on masturbation, he would have killed a whole lot of other MoFo’s in the Bible. As much as God doesn’t like homosexual sex, I don’t recall Him killing off any gay folks. Sodom and Gomorrah don’t count, by the way, even though we get the word sodomy from one of those towns. The problem wasn’t that guys there buggered other guys on the regular. Problem was those cities were just plain depraved. A hell of a lot more than man-on-man action was going down. Any place where it is a common and accepted practice for folks to wander around in groups and gang-rape people who are new to town is a place I want God to wipe off the map, thank you very damn much.

Some argue that masturbation is a form of unnatural birth control or argue that every sperm is a potential person. Well, first off, that means you can’t knock women for masturbation because they don’t eject their eggs when they do it. And as for men, the sperm get old, die and are recycled constantly anyway. They go to waste if we don’t have any kind of release, so by the “birth control” or “life killing” logic, we sin as men if we don’t have sex starting as soon as we hit puberty, and have it every day. Anyone on board for requiring every 12-year-old male to get married and have lots of kids?

Didn’t think so.

I think we have this issue in hand now…er, under control now. Back to your stations.

(Image from www.freeimages.co.uk…like I was gonna put an erect dick or something else up there for this post. You wish, ya dirty minded freak.)

9 Responses to “You don’t know jack(ing off)”

  1. 1 lacestockings
    March 7, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    Oh dear, I’m a dirty minded freak…..

    Anywho, it’s rather good to hear a male prespective on this, as industry is kinda aimed towards female masturbation (what words can you use….broking off? bean flicking? kinda tricky isn’t it), what with all sorts of dildos, vibrators, double ended vibrators, clitoral stimulators….what do men have? Their hands, as do we, but apart from that, not alot! There’s the fleshbulb, or some pretty freaky half body type things. Needs some development

  2. 2 Deacon Blue
    March 8, 2008 at 4:37 am

    I have dirty-minded freak tendencies, so don’t sweat it. But in the interests of not being hauled off by Pat Robertson’s goon squad, I have to pretend to have some propriety. 😉

    You make a good point about the wide range of soloing options for women. Hell, you didn’t even get to ben-wa balls, beaded strings and forceful jets of water from the tub faucet (none of which I learned about in younger days from buying publications published by men with names like Flint, Guccione and Heffner…uh, you believe me, right?).

    I have never in my darkest hours wanted to go near any of those battery powered vagina surrogates or even the non-battery powered ones. There are a few other options for men besides that if you’re a creative sort and nursing an injured wrist or something, but since I have a teenaged child who reads this blog, I don’t want to cause any long-term damage by revealing any traumatic sexual images related to one or more parental units.

    But hey, I don’t hold it against the ladies for having more options. We men don’t have to use pads and/or tampons for several days each month, so I’m more than happy to keep that trade-off.

  3. April 2, 2008 at 12:42 am

    I’d like to post a thoughtful comment on the content of this post, but I’m really tired at the moment. I do have to point out, though, that George Carlin listed “circling the cyclops” and “stirring the soup” as useful euphemisms for female fiddling. “Jilling off” is perhaps a bit too obvious, but I kinda like it, nonetheless.

    Now I feel dirty for posting here, so I’m gonna go bleach my brain. Well, not literally, but probably not in the metaphorical sense that you may be conceiving of, either. 🙂

  4. 4 Deacon Blue
    April 2, 2008 at 2:18 am

    Well, anyone who has some intimate knowledge of George Carlin lines can’t be feeling too dirty just by posting here. 😉

    Anyway, when you get some sleep, feel free to post some thoughtful commentary. Or perhaps thoughtless commentary even. It’s entirely possible I deserve some abuse as penance for behavior toward a commenter in my March 28 post (that would be the lingering former Catholic in me speaking…:P)

  5. April 3, 2008 at 12:08 am

    Well, anyone who has some intimate knowledge of George Carlin lines can’t be feeling too dirty just by posting here. 😉

    Guilty as charged! Carlin also said that if God didn’t want us to masturbate, He would have made our arms shorter.

    On re-reading your post with a bit of sleep…er…under my belt, I don’t have too much to take issue with in your post. Initially it sounded like you were saying something different than what I now understand to be your point. Now I’m rambling. All I would add, then, is that moderation is key. One can get hooked on getting off and wind up doing it almost out of compulsion. So, to coin an ad campaign for KY, “Please spank responsibly.”

  6. 6 Deacon Blue
    April 3, 2008 at 3:08 am

    Indeed, everything in moderation. Hell, even water can be bad for you when you have too much. 😛

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Deacon Blue is the blogging persona of editor and writer Jeffrey Bouley. The opinions of Jeff himself on this blog, and those expressed as Deacon Blue, in NO WAY should be construed as the opinions of anyone with whom he has worked, currently works, or will work with in the future. They are personal opinions and views, and are sometimes, frankly, expressed in more outrageous terms than I truly feel most days.

Jeff Bouley


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